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About Open Marriage


Open marriage was a clandestine topic until the sexual revolution of the 1960’s and 1970’s which championed free sex in the modern world. Since the concept was introduced about 50 years ago, more and more spouses are staying in loveless and sexless marriages and opting for an open marriage instead. Some say that this is the perfect way to receive all the government benefits that marriage allows and it also helps adults to have a platonic companion and caretaker during the hard times. In open marriages, men and women are typically permitted to have affairs with any partners that they prefer without the scorn or confrontation of their spouse.

While some parties disapprove of the open marriage movement, specifically religious affiliations, the arrangement has been a choice one for mane. According to Wikipedia, couples that are involved in open marriages typically have to adopt ground rules about their activities. This allows the partners to coordinate their behaviors so that they are not accused of cheating.

There are a variety of different kinds of open marriages which can be employed. Some couples opt for a polyamorous style of open marriage that permits both partners to have affairs and date any others that they prefer. As well, some couples choose a “swinging” style of open marriage which allows both parties to have both recreational friendships and sexual gratification. The main difference between swinging style and polyamorous relationships is that in swinging relationships partners are prohibited from developing an emotional attachment.

Both styles of open marriages come with difficulties. Typically, they cause couples to have a lack of social acceptance, provide an abundance of illegitimate children and other emotional complications. Many times open marriages provide jealousy issues as well. While open marriages are permitted in the United States, there are jurisdictions where adultery within a marriage relationship is technically illegal. This is regardless of whether or not partners have given each other consent.

While some jurisdictions may keep this law in place, violators are rarely prosecuted. If you are in an open marriage, it may affect your divorce settlement in the future should you choose to separate from your spouse. As well, it may cause you to encounter difficult child custody and visitation concerns, especially if you are the parent of children from a variety of different sexual partners. If you are in an open and need clarification, then you should talk to a family law attorney at Cutter & Lax today.

U.S. Legal states that open marriage is legal in most jurisdictions because it is not the same as polygamy, which has been outlawed in all 50 states. In polygamy, the sexual relationships between parties only take place within wedlock, but a husband will have multiple laws to choose from. A San Fernando Valley divorce attorney can help you to deal with any other concerns that you may have about open marriage and if affects your alimony, support, visitation, custody, or divorce procedures.