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Big Bang Theory Actress Divorces Husband


According to The Los Angeles Times, Mayim Bialik, the famed actress from the popular TV show The Big Bang Theory finalized her divorce from her husband Michael Stone earlier this week. The actress filed for divorce last November after almost 10 years of marriage. She issued a press release saying that she and her husband needed to divorce due to irreconcilable differences. The couple finalized their divorce by agreeing to split their real estate evenly.

Thankfully, the couple owned two homes before they decide to split. Bialik will remain in their 1,400 square-foot 1-bedroom home in Studio City, and Stone will take the 1,300 3-bedroom home they own in Sherman Oaks. The couple has two sons, a 7-year-old named Miles and a 4-year-old named Frederick. They are seeking joint custody of the boys.

This relatively simply divorce is considered an uncontested divorce because the couple decided not to battle about property division, custody, and visitation in court. In most divorces, couples have the opportunity to try to work out a satisfactory settlement before their hearing in a family court. If they are able to do this, then the couple can typically get a faster divorce because a judge will simply need to review and either approve or deny their work.

In cases where the couple has two homes to split evenly, it can make things much easier than in other situations where the couple occupies one home. If you are in the process of getting a divorce and are working thorough your settlement, it can be extremely helpful to get an attorney involved. The right San Fernando divorce attorney can assist you in your case by showing you how to negotiate and think of fair compromises. You will also want an attorney in case there are heated battles about child custody or visitation. Contact Cutter & Lax today for more information or to secure an attorney to assist you!
