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Three Holiday Custody Plans to Help You Plan for Christmastime


Department stores have started hanging their décor and some coffee shops are even playing the sultry tunes of classic Christmas music. If you are a divorce parent, then these hints that Christmas is just around the corner are more than just a suggestion to start shopping for gifts. They may also make you nervous as you try to determine what time you will be able to spend with your children while they are being shuffled from your home to your ex's during the season. These are three holiday plans that may work for you and a co-parent.

Plan #1: You can always split the holiday season into three segments so that you and your ex can both spend part of Christmas day with the children and also spend some of Christmas vacation with the children. Normally, in this situation the child will spend the first half of the holiday break with one parent, and then the second half of the holiday break with the other parent. On Christmas Day, however, the child will spend half the day at one home and half the day at the other.

Plan #2: If you aren't too sentimental about Christmas Day, then you may want to split your child's holiday break 50/50 right down the middle. One parent will care for the child from the first day of break until the halfway point, and the other parent will care for the child for the second half. You can alternate who gets the children for the first half and who gets the child for the second half each year, so that you will have the children for Christmas every other year.

Plan #3: For some children, the best way to share Christmas with the children is to carefully slice the 24th, 25th, and 26th in half. One parent may get the child for Christmas Eve and the first half of Christmas morning. Then the other parent can care for the child for the second half of Christmas Day and the day after. Then the parents can divide up the rest of the holiday break as they please.

If you want to look at alternative child custody options or if you want more information about holiday custody then you can talk to aSan Fernando Family attorney at Cutter & Lax today. With the right attorney on your side, you will be able to seek financial compensation and get a schedule drafted that works well for you and your ex-spouse.
