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Transitioning from a One Household to Two Household Budget after Divorce


Going through divorce can be one of the most emotionally draining legal processes to navigate through. Since many people's main concern is the actual act of ending their marriage, they do not always take other important factors into consideration—such as transitioning from the budget of one household to two after divorce. Unfortunately, with today's economy, having to make the transition of supporting one household to two has become more complicated.

While marriages do not always end on the friendliest of terms, it is important to try and set all hostility aside when coming up with a practical and fair way to separate finances. By working together, ex-spouses can gather all the necessary information regarding their financial resources, in order to come up with a plan that effectively takes into consideration both party's new lifestyles. Through the use of amicable collaboration, the parties can come up with an agreement that ensures the money supply will be sufficient enough to meet the expenses of each household.

At Cutter & Lax, we have more than two decades of experience helping individuals throughout the San Fernando Valley find solutions to their various family law matters. We can assist you with the forming of various agreements, and can provide mediation services if you are looking to resolve your matters as amicably as possible. Regardless of what your situation entails, you can trust that you have a team of Encino divorce attorneys by your side that truly cares about bettering your situation. Call our firm today!