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What Are the Benefits of Mediation?

If you're contemplating divorce, it can be natural to assume that an expensive and hostile litigation process is your only option. However, instead of fighting it out in court, you can choose mediation.

Mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps couples negotiate their divorce agreement. By taking the time to learn more about the benefits of this viable option you could be taking your first step towards a more peaceful divorce.

What Is Mediation?

Mediation can be a helpful way to dissolve your marriage in a neutral and non-confrontational manner. An impartial mediator assists people in reaching a mutually acceptable agreement by guiding them through the discussion of the issues at hand. While mediators do not make decisions, they can help individuals effectively communicate with one another and work towards an agreement.

Examples of topics covered during mediation sessions include:

  • Parental responsibility arrangements and time-sharing for your children
  • Division or marital assets and liabilities
  • Financial support that you and your ex-spouse will provide for your children
  • Spousal support and expenses
  • Distribution of property
  • And more

An agreement is only reached if everyone involved coincides. Therefore, if the mediation process is unsuccessful in reaching a full agreement, you can still concentrate on the remaining issues and allow a judge to make a final decision.

7 Benefits of Mediation

1. Mediation Can Be More Peaceful

Divorce is a challenging time for both parties involved, especially when there are children in the picture. Trying to navigate the legal system, hiring two lawyers to battle on your behalf, and taking sides is not always the best option. Mediation is a modern alternative that involves hiring an impartial mediator who is focused on maintaining respect and peace.

With this process, there is no win or lose mentality, and the conversation remains respectful as both parties come to solutions that work for everyone. Mediators encourage couples to focus on the future and move on with their lives, instead of getting caught up in hurt feelings and negativity from the past. Choosing a mediator can be a path towards a brighter future, for both the couple involved and their children.

2. Mediation is Time Efficient

Divorce can take up to a year on average to go through. If speed and control are what you're looking for when ending your marriage, mediation may be the most efficient option. One of the main advantages of using divorce mediation is that you are in control of the process. You can skip the hassle of coordinating schedules with lawyers or waiting for court dates. Mediation allows you to move through the process at your own pace, giving you much-needed space to fully resolve all the necessary issues and begin the healing process.

3. Privacy & Confidentiality

Mediation is a private process where only you, your spouse, and the mediator are aware of what is being discussed. The whole process remains within the confines of the mediator's office or private communications. All files, case notes, emails, and agreements are secure and only shared with those who have explicit permission. As divorce mediation offers more privacy for divorcing couples, this could be a viable option for many.

4. Cost Effectiveness

Divorce can often be a costly and exhausting process, both emotionally and financially. However, mediation provides an alternative way to resolve disputes that is not only shorter, but also more affordable. By avoiding lengthy court battles and personal lawyers, mediation can save couples a significant amount of money. It also allows you to have greater control over the outcome of your divorce, since you are directly involved in the negotiation process. In this way, mediation can offer a more efficient and cost-effective way to end a marriage.

5. Mediation Prioritizes Your Children

Divorce mediation can be a better choice for parents who want to prioritize their children's well-being. Unlike traditional litigation, mediators treat you as parents and not as adversaries. They listen to both parties, and with their guidance, you can develop a parenting plan that works for everyone.

Mediators act as impartial facilitators, helping parents consider different options, come up with a parenting plan, and offer support throughout the process. Choosing mediation can be a more effective and less stressful way for parents to come to agreements that benefit their children.

6. Mediation Can Be Less Stressful

Mediation can offer a less stressful alternative to traditional divorce proceedings, which often involve numerous attorney meetings, court appearances, and heated confrontations. By promoting cooperative agreement and removing emotional tension from the process, a neutral mediator can help both parties maintain a civil relationship and work toward a mutually beneficial resolution.

Not only can this alleviate the emotional strain of divorce, but it can also have positive effects on other areas of life, such as job performance and family dynamics. If you choose mediation and are able to navigate the process smoothly, you may find that the reduced stress factor alone is a compelling benefit.

7. Mediation Works on Your Own Terms

When it comes to mediation, one of the biggest benefits is the opportunity for both sides to have a voice in the process. Not only will you get to weigh in on what issues will be discussed, but you'll also have a say in the order in which they're resolved. This approach ensures that your agreement reflects the unique needs and wants of everyone involved, including your children.

By addressing the matters that matter most to both parties, you'll be much more likely to come away from the process satisfied with the outcome. Plus, because you both had a role in shaping the final agreement, you'll be more likely to follow through with it in the future.

Contact Us Today

Divorce or family issues are not easy to navigate, especially when it comes to bringing a third party into the mix. However, there are situations where seeking the help of a legal professional may be necessary.

At Cutter & Lax Attorneys at Law, we provide divorce mediation services that are tailored to your unique situation. Our legal team offers neutral, practical, and useful guidance that can help you navigate the complexities of custody mediation. If you're looking to find sensible solutions that can help you avoid costly and lengthy court battles, then our divorce mediation attorneys can help you pursue the outcome you're looking for.

Contact us today at (818) 839-2533 or reach out to us online.
